you know, there's late, there's fashionably late, there's embarrassingly late and then there's no excuse late. guess which one this post falls under?
so, swaps. as of last year swaps. as of before thanksgiving of last year swaps.
this is all from the spindle and wheel fiber frenzy swap from mumblety-mumble of last year. this first batch of photos is from the eepster to me. this is just fantastic. want to know just how fantastic?

well, take a gander at this. do you see that beautiful soft fluffy blue fiber? that is an angora and alpaca blend that she blended herself. it is unbelievably soft. it is also incredibly fine. thank goodness then that i can spin it up with my new...

lightweight drop spindle! yes folks, she did this as well. don't you just love that gold color? i know i do :)

and just LOOK at that beautiful design. she MADE this!

then there's the romney. this is a sunset in fiber form. i have already spun this up and set the twist and actually knitted one mitten with it. pictures will have to come later on this one. believe me when i tell you this spun like a dream, knits beautifully and is gorgeous to boot.
you'll have to click on the first picture to really see the other wonderful things she included. she made those lovely little stitch markers which will be perfect for lace knitting. there's some scissors and a darning needle on ribbon, a matching gold needle holder and a plastic bag to hold it all. unseen is the chocolate (seriously, there's no way i'd let chocolate sit this long!) and some wonderful crackers.
eepster? you are beyond awesome. thank you from the bottom of my heart.
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