8 years of anger and frustration will take their toll on anyone. i have been furious for 8 years.
i was furious when i saw the dirty tricks and outright illegal activity which led to the theft of the election 8 years ago.
i have been furious as the american people seemed to collectively give up any notion of being informed and pro-active.
i have been furious at the way the oxymoronic moral majority has fostered an environment of exclusion, division, fear and hate.
now, for the first time in 8 years, i am no longer furious. i am in awe.
i am in awe of an intelligent inclusive man who brought us all together.
i am in awe of a nation that did sit up and pay attention.
i am in awe of the next generation, most first time voters, who have decided to seize their future and make it a better place.
i have hope now, not just for us as a nation, but i have a great deal of hope for my daughter's generation. i have hope they too will become a great generation.
i'm exhausted...
but happy.