This is my "Dishrag Tag - gotcher box right here!" post.
Because, well...
Just look at that! Love the dishrag. I'm starting to get a serious love of the cotton yarn. Thanks to Kay I have added more cotton yarn to my stash so I can make this. Love the colors. As you can see, I already started knitting the dishrag but was able to get my husband to take some quick pictures before using up all of the yarn.
Chocolate, L'Occitane in Green Tea (love it!), my very own dishrag which works beautifully (yep, already used it) and extra yarn. What more can a girl ask for? Did I say chocolate? mmmmmmmmmm
Want a closer view?
Close enough for you?
Don't you just love the team name? "Skanks with Hanks" Oh yeah; got some serious knitters, or would that be nutters? Whichever, I've already got plans for that now empty tin. It shall hold something pretty! And sparkly! Beads? Buttons? Dunno yet, but it'll be nice.
I'm new to this whole swap thing but, so far, it's been lots of fun. I highly recommend it!
1 comment:
Hi Goosefairy -
I couldn't find a way to e-mail you, so I'll just post here. Thanks for your kind comments on my blog - it's nice to feel all the knitting good vibes coming my way!
Looks like you got some great goodies, too. I love this dishrag race - although I'm kind of hoping for second place.
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